#共同第一作者 *通讯作者
Chen J, Ding H*, Li YT, Sheng X* (2024). Numerical design of a micro-LED based optogenetic stimulator for visual cortical prosthesis. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 30, 1–8.
Li Z #, Wu RX #, Li YT* (2023). Calcium Imaging in Mouse Superior Colliculus. J. Vis. Exp. (194), e65181.
[link] [pdf]Li YT*, and Meister M* (2023). Functional cell types in the mouse superior colliculus. eLife 12: e82367.
[link] [pdf]Fang Q #, Li YT #, Peng B, Li Z, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2021). Balanced Enhancements of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition Underlie Developmental Maturation of Receptive Fields in the Mouse Visual Cortex. J Neurosci 41: 10065–10079. [link] [pdf]
Li YT*, Turan Z, and Meister M* (2020) Functional architecture of motion direction in the mouse superior colliculus. Current Biology 30: 3304-3315.e4.
[link] [pdf]Li YT, Fang Q, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2018) Spatial Asymmetry and Short-Term Suppression Underlie Direction Selectivity of Synaptic Excitation in the Mouse Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 28: 2059–2070. [link] [pdf]
Ibrahim LA, Mesik L, Ji XY, Fang Q, Li HF, Li YT, Zingg B, Zhang LI*, and Tao HW* (2016) Cross-modality sharpening of visual cortical processing through layer-1-mediated inhibition and disinhibition. Neuron 89: 1031–1045. [link] [pdf]
Li YT, Liu BH, Chou XL, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2015) Synaptic Basis for Differential Orientation Selectivity between Complex and Simple Cells in Mouse Visual Cortex. J Neurosci 35: 11081–11093.
[link] [pdf]Li YT, Liu BH, Chou XL, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2015) Strengthening of Direction Selectivity by Broadly Tuned and Spatiotemporally Slightly Offset Inhibition in Mouse Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 25: 2466–2477. [link] [pdf]
Zhou M, Li YT, Yuan W, Tao HW, and Zhang LI* (2014) Synaptic mechanisms for generating temporal diversity of auditory representation in the dorsal cochlear nucleus. J Neurophysiol 113: 1358–1368. [link] [pdf]
Tao HW*, Li YT, and Zhang LI* (2014) Formation of excitation-inhibition balance: inhibition listens and changes its tune. Trends Neurosci 37:528–530. [link] [pdf]
Li LY, Ji XY, Liang F, Li YT, Xiao Z, Tao HW*, and Zhang LI* (2014) A feedforward inhibitory circuit mediates lateral refinement of sensory representation in upper layer 2/3 of mouse primary auditory cortex. J Neurosci 34: 13670–13683. [link] [pdf]
Li YT, Ibrahim LA, Liu BH, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2013) Linear Transformation of Thalamocortical input by Intracortical Excitation. Nat Neurosci 16: 1324–1330. [link] [pdf]
Li L.Y., Li YT, Zhou Mu, Tao HW, and Zhang LI* (2013) Intracortical Multiplication of Thalamocortical Signals in Mouse Auditory Cortex. Nat Neurosci 16: 1179–1181. [link] [pdf]
Ma WP #, Li YT #, and Tao HW* (2013) Down-regulation of Cortical Inhibition Mediates Ocular Dominance Plasticity During the Critical Period. J Neurosci 33: 11276–11280. [link] [pdf]
Li YT, Ma W.P., Li LY, Ibrahim LA, Wang SZ, and Tao HW* (2012) Broadening of Inhibitory Tuning Underlies Contrast-Dependent Sharpening of Orientation Selectivity in Mouse Visual Cortex. J Neurosci 32:16466–16477. [link] [pdf]
Li YT, Ma WP, Pan CJ, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2012) Broadening of Cortical Inhibition Mediates Developmental Sharpening of Orientation Selectivity. J Neurosci 32:3981–3991. [link] [pdf]
Liu BH #, Li YT #, Ma WP, Pan CJ, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2011) Broad inhibition sharpens orientation selectivity by expanding input dynamic range in mouse simple cells. Neuron 71:542–554. [link] [pdf]
Ma WP #, Liu BH #, Li YT, Huang ZJ, Zhang LI, and Tao HW* (2010) Visual representations by cortical somatostatin inhibitory neurons--selective but with weak and delayed responses. J Neurosci 30: 14371–14379. [link] [pdf]
Liu BH, Li P.Y., Sun YJ, Li YT, Zhang LI*, and Tao HW* (2010) Intervening inhibition underlies simple-cell receptive field structure in visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience 13: 89–96. [link] [pdf]